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The Prospects of Controlling Open Burning of Crop Residues in Thailand: A Quantitative Assessment of Implementation Barriers and Costs

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Hayama 240-0115, Japan
National Institute Environmental Studies, Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan
Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York, York YO10 5NG, UK
Mizuho Research and Technologies, Tokyo 101-8443, Japan
Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Tokyo 105-8501, Japan
World Bank, Washington, DC 20433, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Atmosphere 2024, 15(11), 1309;
Submission received: 25 August 2024 / Revised: 18 October 2024 / Accepted: 23 October 2024 / Published: 30 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Air Pollution Control)


The open burning of agricultural crop residues poses a sizable threat to Southeast Asia’s near-term prosperity and long-term sustainability. Though Southeast Asia’s policymakers have adopted burning bans and other solutions to curb this threat, few studies have systematically assessed their implementation prospects. This study offers a novel data-driven assessment of those prospects in Thailand. More concretely, it estimates how much economic, technological, institutional, and social barriers could slow the implementation of burning restrictions featured in Thailand’s PM2.5 control plan. This study finds that institutional/social barriers delay implementation more than technical/economic barriers, resulting in about twice the level of PM2.5 emissions relative to an effectively implemented policy scenario over a 10- to 20-year period. This study also demonstrates that the costs of overcoming social/institutional barriers are approximately 14 million US dollars annually over a ten-year period. This figure is equivalent to about a 70% increase on the 21 million US dollars planned for controlling burning in 2026 in Thailand. The approach employed in this study—though not free of imperfections—can also be used for finer-grained comparison of the barriers/costs of managing different crop residues in Thailand and beyond.

1. Introduction

With agriculture accounting for more than 30% of Southeast Asia’s employment, growing food is vital to the region’s socioeconomic development [1]. Indeed, throughout Southeast Asia, farmers depend on cultivating rice, corn, sugarcane, soy, cassava, potatoes, and other crops for their livelihoods [2]. To boost incomes, many farmers burn post-harvest crop residues to prepare fields for planting [3,4]. While open burning offers an affordable and expedient way to clear land, it also imposes steep and fast-rising costs on development. Many of these costs are related to open burning’s contributions to air pollution as well as related effects on health, labor productivity, and educational performance [5,6,7,8]. The costs of open burning are also linked to seasonal and spatial variations in the practice [3,9,10,11] (see Table 1) as well as the transregional nature of air pollution, which can require lengthy consensus building to arrive at cooperative solutions [12,13]. Finally, to underline a theme that will be developed in this study, the cost and complexity are functions of the fact that restrictions on burning are difficult to implement.
An encouraging sign is that countries and other actors have not sat back idly in the face of this costly and complex problem. For instance, Thailand initially adopted an eight-point plan to curb burning nearly a decade ago and has embraced other policies and measures detailed in Section 2 [15]. More recently, Thailand has made controlling open burning a centerpiece of its recent PM2.5 control plan while considering integrating different versions of the Clean Air Act that would address open burning [16]. Meanwhile, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has developed a regional haze agreement with a supporting set of roadmaps that is intended to encourage countries to bring a haze-free future to the region by 2030 [17,18]. Finally, several countries in Southeast Asia are working with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)—an international partnership of more than 100 state and non-state actors—to curb open burning as part of a broader effort to reduce emissions of pollutants that contribute to near-term climate changes [19].
Another encouraging sign is the growing body of research on open burning impacts and solutions. In terms of impacts, some work has shown that effectively implemented prohibitions on burning could reduce the total amount of PM2.5 by nearly 30% compared to a “no bans” baseline [1]. Other studies have suggested that a slight variation of the problem, the burning of forests, resulted in haze accounting for as many as 100,000 deaths during particularly acute haze crises in 2015 in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore [20]. In terms of solutions, studies are showing a need to move beyond bans and restrictions [5,21]. Rather, a mix of policy instruments and supportive institutions (i.e., interagency and multi-level coordination mechanisms) to encourage behavioral changes is viewed as essential to sustainable solutions [7]. Nonetheless, there is a sizable gap between the mostly data-driven research on impacts and the frequently qualitative policy research on reforms that would underpin a sustainable solution [15].
This study aims to fill this gap. More concretely, this study draws upon original survey data from experts and policymakers as well as the relevant literature to assess the effects of technological, economic, social, and institutional barriers on open burning restrictions of agricultural residues (namely, straw and chaff left on farmland after harvest) in Thailand. It then integrates the results of the barriers analysis into modeling scenarios with assumptions comparable to provisions in Thailand’s PM2.5 control plan. The results of that analysis suggest that key barriers could result in about 30% to 40% increase in PM2.5 emissions relative to a “without barrier” scenario over a 10- to 20-year period. This study also demonstrates that the cost of overcoming social and institutional barriers is approximately 14 million US dollars annually over a ten-year period—or a 70% increase on the 21 million US dollars planned for curbing open burning in 2026 in Thailand. More generally, the results underline that the restrictions on open burning need to be embedded in awareness-raising and institutional strengthening programs to realize their full potential.
The paper is divided into five sections. The next section (Section 2) provides an overview of the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the open burning of agricultural residues in Southeast Asia. Section 3 concentrates on implementation barriers. Section 4 estimates the impacts of those barriers, and Section 5 estimates the costs of overcoming those barriers. The article concludes (Section 5) by reiterating key findings and outlining the way forward.

2. Open Burning: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

This section concentrates on the reasons that open burning has become more common and costly in Southeast Asia. It also reflects on possible solutions to the problem.

2.1. Causes

One of the main explanations for the rise in open burning is it offers an inexpensive way to remove crop waste, expand acreage, and, at least in the short term, increase yields. For some forms of biomass, the need to engage in the practice is related to geography and income. More concretely, while combines can shred corn waste, farmers who live in mountainous areas cannot afford machinery or use it on steep slopes. Instead, they burn the waste to clear the fields at a low cost [5].
An additional reason that burning has grown more serious involves the challenges of managing large volumes of waste. Simply stated, it is difficult to gather and transport significant quantities of rice straw or other forms of residue [22]. Open burning in the field is easier and less cumbersome. A related rationale for open burning is the belief that it can help remove insects and diseases. This belief is frequently joined by the view that the ashes left in the field after burning adjust the potential of hydrogen (pH) in the soil, improving soil quality and crop yields. The turn to open burning is also linked to the fact that it can help clear wet agricultural residues that are likely to produce difficult-to-manage mold [23]. A final set of reasons for burning involves interactions between many of the above economic and geophysical realities, making it even more difficult to convince farmers of alternatives [24].

2.2. Consequences

Not only are there many reasons to burn, but the adverse impacts of doing so are significant. One of the most serious impacts involves air quality and health. By definition, open burning entails the low-temperature and uncontrolled combustion of vegetation. That process, in turn, emits high levels of toxic air pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), including black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) components, carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and greenhouse gases (GHGs) [3]. Large amounts of semi-VOCs, including carcinogenic pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are also released from burning [25] and worsen health in densely populated areas. In countries such as Thailand, open burning contributes to concentrations of PM2.5 that can be four to nine times greater than recommended World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines [26] and a source of fine particulates that are collectively responsible for an estimated 3200 early deaths annually [27].
The effects of burning also contribute to near-term and regional climate changes. The impacts of climate change come primarily through the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). SLCPs refer to methane (CH4), black carbon (BC), ground-level ozone, etc., that can warm the climate in their relatively short atmospheric lifetimes. BC is an especially potent warming agent, and its impact is even greater when its deposits on ice and snow dull the albedo of these surfaces and accelerate glacier loss [28]. Though some of the warming from open burning may be offset by co-emitted organic carbon, evidence suggests that emissions from open burning affect cloud formation and precipitation patterns—for example, leading to more intense rainfall and flooding [29]. These effects could be problematic in Thailand due to the existing high levels of vulnerability to temperature changes and precipitation [30,31,32].
There is also a critical socioeconomic dimension to open burning. For obvious reasons, small farmers or seasonal laborers who are engaged in post-harvest burning, the surrounding residents, and firefighters tend to suffer the most. At the same time, the young (<4 years of age), the elderly, and those who already have respiratory disease tend to be affected most severely. Though less studied, people who engage in outdoor labor live in poor informal settlements, and even animals may also be impacted disproportionately by exposure to pollution [33,34]. In sum, as illustrated in Figure 1, the open burning of crop residues is closely related to multiple dimensions of sustainable development.

2.3. Solutions

Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia have adopted a variety of solutions to open burning. These measures range from strict prohibitions to promoting non-burning alternatives by reusing or recycling residues.
Arguably, the solution that is the easiest to understand is the prohibition or restrictions on burning. These restrictions can include not only outright bans but permit systems or ordinances that limit open burning to specific days, times, and atmospheric conditions. Restrictions can also be aimed at targeting specific types of biomass and a decrease in hot spots (signs of burning) in forested, agricultural, roadside, and community areas [16,35]. A second and related set of solutions involves softer restrictions. These softer efforts can be combined with increased availability of satellite data and low-cost sensors to alert regulators to impose harder penalties for violating restrictions.
Yet a third group of solutions involves converting agricultural residues into compost for the production of organic fertilizers. Since agricultural residues are organic matter, they are digested and decomposed by microorganisms into compost that is rich in nutrients and beneficial to the soil. Composting can be performed at a relatively low cost and become a source of revenue for farmers. A similar approach involves post-harvest mulching. Agricultural residues are also useful as soil mulching material for vegetable production such as mushrooms, lettuce, cabbage, etc. So-called “green harvesting” [15] is accomplished by mechanically separating the leaves and tops of sugarcane from the sugar-bearing stalks using mechanical harvesters [36].
A fourth set of options involves conservation tillage methods. These methods can be employed when all or as much of the crop residue from the previous crop is left on the land to prevent soil erosion and runoff. For instance, an approach known as “no-till or zero tillage” and “mulch tillage” cultivation methods leave the maximum amount of pre-harvest crop residue on the soil surface and minimally disturb the soil and surface residue through tillage [37].
A fifth alternative is the use of agricultural residues as a fuel for alternative bioenergy. Agricultural residues are organic matter consisting primarily of carbon and hydrogen. Therefore, they can be used as alternative biofuels to produce energy and heat for industrial processes, although their calorific value and heating value are not as high as fossil fuels. In countries such as Japan, for instance, rice straw biomass has been promoted as a source of renewable energy. Crop residues can be processed into fuel pellets and briquettes, which can be burned clean in gasifier cookstoves [38,39]. Agricultural residues can also be converted into biogas and bioethanol, which can also serve as a fuel [40].
Yet, a sixth way of using agricultural residuals is by using a circular economy lens on the issue of agricultural residues. The uses of agricultural residues for productive purposes have received considerable attention. To illustrate, some small- and medium-sized enterprises have used the residue to create handicrafts [41]. On a larger scale outside the region, the furniture store IKEA has launched an initiative in India called Better Air Now, which has turned rice straw into products such as baskets, rugs, and collections of bowls [42]. This not only creates useful and sustainably sourced products but encourages rice growers to practice sustainable agriculture.
An encouraging sign is that Thailand has adopted and combined several solutions as part of a long-running strategic effort to limit burning [15]. The efforts to combine solutions begin with explicitly stating (or indirectly implying) that clean air from burning controls is an overarching goal in several high-level policy documents, including the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (2017), the National Development Strategy (2018–2037), the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017–2021), the Master Plan for Climate Change (2015–2050), and the Environmental Quality Management Plan (2017–2021). Thailand has also sought to control burning by including provisions in the aforementioned PM2.5 National Action Plan aimed at “preventing and reducing pollution at the source” by working toward the goal of reducing burning by 100% in sugarcane fields in five provinces [16]. On top of these goals and restrictions, Thailand has further established an air pollution war room and launched awareness-raising campaigns such as “Thai Roo Soophoon” (Thai people know how to fight dust). In addition, committees under the National Environment Board have called for providing targeted education and financial support to farmers to purchase equipment [14].
A parallel set of complementary efforts has involved engaging the private sector and farmers. For instance, arguably the most successful efforts to control open burning in Thailand have been carried out in cooperation with sugar companies. In this case, there have been collaborative efforts to support the rental of harvesting equipment to farmers, and training focused on replanting sugarcane when the effects of burning are less serious. The results of these collaborative efforts have led to a significant reduction in the burning of sugarcane. It nonetheless merits highlighting that this was relatively easy to implement because there was clear traceability of burning for sugarcane and a shared sense that burning reduces the quality of sugarcane juice, whereas rice straw is neither traceable nor directly connected to product quality [43]. Other strategies that have engaged farmers have sought to leverage information technologies, as illustrated by applications called Fire-D and Burn Check, which require and facilitate registration and approvals for burning in many parts of Northern Thailand [44,45]. Though not formally written into policy, several local and regional collaborative efforts have been initiated to address the root causes of burning. Notable examples include creating an Agricultural Learning Center in Nakhon Nayok Province and using maize waste to grow organic mushrooms in Nan Province. Last but not least, several of the higher-level policy pronouncements and collaborative efforts may be reflected in the Clean Air Act for Thailand, which is currently being crafted based on drafts from seven groups [35]. A key question, however, is what it will take to effectively implement restrictions on burning that are likely to form the core of any control strategy. Answering this question arguably requires looking more closely at implementation barriers.

3. Implementation Barriers

3.1. Differentiating Barriers

Just as there is a range of solutions to open burning, there are also a variety of barriers to implementing these options. For simplicity, this study organizes the barriers into four categories: (1) technological, (2) economic, (3) institutional, and (4) social. Nonetheless, it merits noting that these barriers are not perfectly separable; rather, they often interact and reinforce each other. For example, the availability to purchase post-harvesting equipment (a technological barrier) is closely related to a lack of resources to invest in that equipment (an economic barrier). Though there are indeed overlapping areas, the following simplifies the discussion by describing the types of barriers without reference to these connections.
The technological barrier refers to access to machinery to handle the disposal of residues after harvesting rice, corn, sugarcane, or other crops. The availability of such technologies can be a considerable constraint on one of the main solutions. In a similar vein, there may also be limited knowledge of how to operate the machinery or a lack of factories to manufacture, maintain, and then repair needed equipment.
The economic barrier pertains to the cost of purchasing such equipment. High initial costs for equipment can pose a sizable economic burden on farmers. In addition, even if the equipment could be purchased or obtained, the farmers would have to cover the additional fuel and maintenance costs.
The main institutional barriers involve institutional coordination and administrative capacity within government agencies. Cooperation among central government ministries and agencies and with local governments to ensure policy implementation is essential but is often hampered by fragmented institutional architectures. In this connection, Thailand’s PCD established a new department for Climate Change and the Environment in 2023 that combined the offices of the Department of Environmental Quality Management, the Thailand Greenhouse Office, and the National Planning Office and may help align agency interests in regulations of open burning. There is also a need to expand human and financial resources for monitoring and follow-up after policies are implemented. This includes improving data quality and scope, providing feasible alternatives for communities, and increasing staffing. These issues are particularly pronounced at the local level. For example, Thailand’s PCD has 16 regional offices that cover 77 provinces, but there may be insufficient capacity to manage agriculture-related issues.
Social barriers include changing the attitudes of farmers who believe in traditional land use management and cultivation practices. The lack of public cooperation is often due to a strong belief in traditional techniques and practices. For example, many villagers believe that slash-and-burn farming can increase the production of high-value crops such as bamboo shoots.

3.2. How Much Do Barriers Affect Implementation?

Efforts to convert knowledge of different barriers into quantitative estimates of their effects have been limited. The next section briefly outlines an approach that can generate a quantitative, empirically grounded estimate of those effects. This section offers a brief description of how the size of technological, economic, institutional, and social barriers in Table 2 were calculated. Appendix A provides the mathematical formula corresponding to this explanation.
The barrier assessment relied on combining two main sources of data: survey responses and literature review. For the survey, a questionnaire was distributed to approximately 30 experts and policymakers in Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia who agreed to respond for the purposes of this research project between February and April 2022 (See Appendix A for the survey questions and respondent backgrounds). The questions in the survey were designed for respondents to evaluate the size of the effect of the aforementioned categories of implementation barriers (Table 2). After receiving responses, each of the approximately 30 responses were coded based on their estimated size using the criteria in Box 1 in the article text. A numerical average for the approximately 30 responses was then calculated for each of the four types of barriers. That is, a mean barrier score was generated for the technological, economic, social, and institutional barriers (see Appendix A).
Box 1. Assumed size of effects of barriers.
 The size of effects of each barrier type for mitigation option was assessed as follows:
  • If the response was “no effect,” the response was coded 0% on how much a barrier might limit the diffusion of solution.
  • If the response was “small,” the effect was coded as 5% or the midpoint between 1% and 10% on how much a barrier might limit the diffusion of solution.
  • If the response was “moderate,” the effect was coded as 15% or the midpoint between 11% and 20% on how much a barrier might limit the diffusion of solution.
  • If the response was “significant,” the effect was coded as 25% or a conservative high-end estimate of how much a barrier might limit the diffusion of solution.
Note that the original survey questions suggested that the limitation on diffusion would involve a reduction in space, allowing burning to continue to increasingly higher percentages of relevant cropland. However, after reviewing the modeling scenarios, it was easier to interpret and more feasible to calculate those limitations in terms of time as opposed to space. Hence, the limitations were entered into the model as delays in implementation.
The numerical average for each barrier from the surveys was then combined with an estimated size of the barriers based on a literature review on open burning in and beyond Thailand. In assessing the size of barriers from the literature, three criteria were employed: (1) the frequency with which a barrier was mentioned; (2) whether the barrier was referred to directly or tangentially in the relevant text; and (3) the significance of the barrier when it was referenced. The authors then assigned a score to the different types of barriers that paralleled the scoring for the expert survey. More concretely, if a barrier was coded as “small,” it was assumed to limit the diffusion of open burning solutions by 0.05 or 5%, while if it was coded as “moderate,” it was assumed to limit the diffusion of open burning solutions by 0.15 or 15%, and if it was coded as “significant,” it was assumed to limit diffusion by 0.25 by 25%. In contrast to the expert survey score, where a numerical average of multiple responses was calculated, the score for the literature review was given a single composite score based on the full body of reviewed work. The decision to use a single rather than average score reflected the determination that the reviewed studies drew from such a diverse range of disciplines that it was impossible to develop an appropriate weighting scheme for each article (see Appendix A).
To arrive at a final barrier score, the expert survey and literature review assessments were then combined. A weighted average of the expert survey score (itself, a mean of the approximately 30 responses) and a single literature review score were used for these purposes. To calculate that weighted average, a higher weight of 0.7 was given to the expert surveys. The decision to accord more weight to the survey responses reflected the determination that the survey questions offered a better assessment of barriers than the literature that was written for other purposes. The decision to weight the surveys more than the literature was based on the recognition that much of the literature is at least five years old.
Last but not least, the estimated size of the barriers and estimated delay were calculated. This study assumed a delay could be a maximum of 15 years. This assumption draws from work on sustainability transitions that suggests the widespread uptake of sustainable technologies can be between “1 and 16 years” [46,47]. Based on this assumption, the delay for each barrier was calculated by multiplying each type of barrier by a delayed diffusion rate over a 15-year period (see Appendix A).

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. The Size and Impacts of Implementation Barriers

Figure 2 illustrates the results of the barriers analysis. That figure suggests that the delays from all four barriers to implementing open burning controls in Thailand over a 15-year period are about nine years. In addition, the figure underlines that the institutional and social barriers have a greater effect on implementation than the economic and technical barriers. This result is important: the institutional and social barriers are precisely the kinds of constraints that are not easily incorporated into modeling the effects of open burning controls because they are difficult to quantify.
The next step in the analysis is to estimate the effects of including those institutional and social barriers in the estimates of emissions. Toward that end, this study used the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) and a multi-sectoral dataset that had already been developed for Thailand [48]. LEAP is a user-friendly tool that can be used to analyze the effects on air quality of interventions in the energy, industry, waste, and agriculture sectors on PM2.5 and other air pollutants. LEAP has been used in countries ranging from Pakistan to Cambodia to generate an evidence-based understanding of the possible air quality, climate change, and health impacts of priority policies and measures [49,50]. In Cambodia, the results of this modeling led to the inclusion of a target to reduce the burning of all forms of waste by 2030 in the country’s Clear Air Plan [51], while in Pakistan, the work led to a more focused look at the impacts and possible interventions that would curb burning in key provinces such as Punjab [52]. It is too early to assess the implementation of these policies in Cambodia and Pakistan.
In this study, LEAP was used to help structure a four-step process to look at the effects of the scenarios listed in Box 2. That process began with developing historical emissions for the agricultural sector based on activity data and emissions factors. The methods used to calculate these emissions drew from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme/European Environmental Agency (EMEP/EEA) (used for reporting air emissions data under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the EU National Emission reduction Commitment Directive) [53]. LEAP was then employed to understand how historical emissions from the burning of rice, maze, soy, cassava, potato, and sugarcane would increase under a business-as-usual scenario (BAU) in Thailand. The BAU scenario assumed that the production of those crops would follow trends in population growth to satisfy food demands. The next step involved using LEAP to examine the impacts of a straightforward policy scenario on PM2.5: zero agricultural burning of the crops mentioned previously. That scenario assumed that the burning of all forms of biomass would stop by 2030, mirroring provisions in Thailand’s aforementioned PM2.5 control plan. Finally, to estimate the effects of barriers, LEAP also ran an analysis of the effects of delaying implementation of the ban by five years—a figure roughly comparable to the sum of the social/institutional barriers—based on the analysis of the barriers (see Figure 2).
Box 2. Overview of scenarios.
Business-as-usual scenario: A scenario that assumes that there are no interventions to reduce the practice of open burning.
Policy scenario: A scenario that is aligned with Thailand’s PM2.5 control and assumes perfect implementation of measures to eliminate open burning by 2030.
Barriers scenario: A scenario that assumes that institutional and social barriers slow the implementation of the efforts in the policy scenario by 5 years. Note that the five-year estimate is selected because it is close to the estimated sum of the social and institutional challenges from the barrier assessment.
Figure 3 presents the results of the effects of these three different scenarios on PM2.5 emissions. PM2.5 was selected due to its significant effects on air quality and health, as well as near-term climate changes and impacts on precipitation patterns. As demonstrated in Figure 3, the effects of the barriers on PM2.5 emissions are notable. The levels of PM2.5 in the policy are nearly half those from the “with barriers” scenario. This difference is even more remarkable because it does not factor in the possible interactions between barriers that could potentially lead to even greater delays.

4.2. The Costs of Overcoming Implementation Barriers

The next logical question was how much it would cost to overcome the social and institutional barriers. To answer this question, this study drew upon the literature on transaction costs that is often used to estimate policy implementation costs [54,55,56]. The first step involved discussions with former policymakers and civil society groups with significant experience with open burning. Those discussions helped to identify official budget data on open burning control programs in Thailand. Through those discussions, it was determined that there is funding to address open burning coming from Thailand’s Department of Agriculture, the Department of Agricultural Extension, the Department of Rice, the Land Development Department, the Agricultural Land Reform Office, the Office of the Sugarcane Board, and the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action Facility (through GIZ). The total amount of funding has increased substantially from approximately 3.25 million US dollars in 2018 (120 million Thai Bhat) to 21 million US dollars planned (770 million Thai Bhat) for 2026.
The next step was to estimate the amount involved in overcoming the barriers. For this purpose, the same former Thailand government staff were asked to consider the cost of implementing an “ideal” program. This ideal program, it was assumed, could overcome institutional and social barriers discussed earlier in this study. The proposed ideal consists of strengthening capacity-building and coordination mechanisms to overcome institutional barriers, as well as awareness raising and training programs to overcome social barriers. In other words, the focus is on bolstering the capacity of staff who are responsible for reflexively crafting and adapting the solutions in Section 2.3 above and beyond simply enforcing outright bans. This includes, for example, working with community groups and farmers’ schools and using traditional and digital media. In summary, the costs of an ideal program would help create an enabling environment where the government can not only do more to restrict the practice but also provide communities with the opportunity, incentives, and tools to develop sustainable solutions.
To arrive at a reasonable—albeit imperfect—cost estimate for this ideal program, a few decisions and simplifying assumptions were made in consultation with the group of experts and policymakers who were intimately familiar with these issues. Those decisions included focusing on the initial budget request from the four main agencies charged with enforcing burning restrictions and implementing other solutions. This initial request was approximately 70% beyond the actual amount of funds allocated to address the problem. This 70% increase was then extrapolated over a ten-year period from 2024 to 2034 (Figure 4). Though 2026 is the last year that there is a firm estimate of government resources to fund open burning restrictions, this study assumed that the 70% increase would hold through 2034.
Although revealing, there are sources of uncertainty and a lack of detail in the above estimates. For example, concentrating on publicly available budgeting data for a subset of government agencies may miss sources of revenue from other agencies or the private sector. In addition, assuming that budget requests will remain constant fails to capture possible shifts in budgeting beyond 2026 if the intensity of the problem changes. Further, the current presentation of budget data is not detailed enough to connect to particular interventions that may overcome specific barriers. For example, it is difficult to determine whether money is being spent on staff salaries or monitoring equipment. Though these uncertainties and limitations should be noted, it is also important to underline that they offer an indicative sense of current costs that could be improved upon and refined in the future. Moreover, at least at present, identifying additional sources of public and private funding, as well as predicting future trends, could prove exceedingly difficult.

5. Conclusions

This study began with the contention that the open burning of agricultural residue poses a sizable threat to sustainable development in Southeast Asia. It then underlined that many of the reasons for this threat are likely to make the problem worse before it becomes better. Fortunately, there is also a growing body of research on the impacts of open burning and the potential benefits of solutions. There are also signs that governments, such as Thailand’s, are becoming more serious in their efforts to control the practice.
While studies have identified the possible effects of those solutions, systematic research on the challenges to implementing those solutions and how they can be overcome has been limited. The present study synthesized work on implementation barriers and transaction costs to quantify the effects of often understudied barriers in Thailand. It also estimated the costs of strengthening institutions and raising awareness. This approach has the potential to open a constructive dialogue on the need to carefully design policies and supportive enabling environments in efforts to control burning. That dialogue promises to be particularly important as Thailand implements its PM2.5 Control Plan and synthesizes inputs into its new Clean Air Law.
Though the dialogue on how to overcome institutional and social barriers should take place in Thailand between the government and affected stakeholders, it is possible to make some recommendations based on the survey and previous studies. Those recommendations involve creating more opportunities and incentives for government agencies to work collectively on open burning. This might entail, for instance, sharing budgets between agencies/departments, supporting cross-agency staffing rotations, and creating data-sharing platforms. It might also involve introducing fiscal reforms that allocate resources to PCD’s 16 regional offices in Thailand. Above and beyond the proposed institutional reforms, greater investment in information sharing and awareness raising across localities that have had and have not had success addressing burning has significant potential. In a similar vein, capitalizing on existing training mechanisms such as agricultural extension holds promise.
While this study offers revealing and policy-relevant insights into how to overcome barriers and estimate the costs of enabling reforms, it also suggests areas for additional research. One area would be to conduct similar research in other countries outside Thailand. The challenges related to open burning in other countries in Southeast Asia or South Asia, Africa, and other regions could help to create a cross-national barriers database that may lead to alternative conclusions. An additional area for extending this work would involve more focused case studies on what kinds of enabling reforms work for particular barriers. For instance, deep-dive case studies research on how awareness-raising programs could prove helpful for policymakers designing targeted interventions to overcome social barriers. Another related area for inquiry would be to concentrate on the implementation of the solutions to burning different types of residues. A final area that requires more research involves a careful review of the interactions between different kinds of barriers and enabling reforms. It may be possible that relationships across barriers lock in existing development patterns, and it may not be plausible to simply remove one type of barrier without working on another [57,58,59]. At the same time, there may also be high-leverage enabling reforms that can knock out several barriers at once. Focus group discussions or key informant interviews beyond the current surveys might shed light on the potential for how to structure reforms that flip one barrier into multiple opportunities would be helpful.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.A., E.Z., T.H. (Tatsuya Hanaoka), K.K. and Y.G.; methodology, K.A., E.Z. and T.H. (Tatsuya Hanaoka); validation, S.W., P.H., N.T.K.O., L.N.H., C.S.M. and M.A.; data curation, S.W., P.H., L.N.H., C.S.M. and M.A.; writing—original draft preparation, writing—review and editing, K.A., E.Z., N.T.K.O., T.H. (Tatsuya Hanaoka), T.H. (Tomoki Hirayama), K.K. and Y.G.; visualization, K.A., E.Z. and T.H. (Tatsuya Hanaoka); supervision, K.A. and M.A.; funding acquisition, K.A.; investigation, K.A., E.Z., T.H. (Tatsuya Hanaoka) and N.T.K.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund S-20-3 [JPMEERF21S12013 and JPMEERF21S12030] of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency with resources provided by the Ministry of Environment of Japan.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and principles and ethics training offered at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Appendix A.1. Survey Respondents

CambodiaResearcher/academicRoyal University of Phnom Penh
IndonesiaResearcher/academicItenas Bandung Indonesia
MalaysiaResearcher/academicUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
MyanmarPrivate sector/businessEnvironmental Quality Management Co., Ltd., Yangon, Myanmar
NARetired government officialBefore my retirement I worked at the Environmental Research and Training Center, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion
PhilippineResearcher/academicManila Observatory and Ateneo de Manila University (Department of Physics)
PhilippineResearcher/academicManila Observatory
PhilippineNGOClean Air Asia
PhilippineResearcher/academicClean Air Asia
ThailandGovernment official/policymakerAir Quality and Noise Management Bureau, Pollution Control Department, Bangkok, Thailand
ThailandResearcher/academicKing Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
ThailandResearcher/academicNational Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT)
ThailandResearcher/academicThammasat University
ThailandResearcher/academicThammasat University
ThailandResearcher/academicAsian Institute of Technology
ThailandGovernment official/policymakerPollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
ThailandResearcher/academicValaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage
ThailandResearcher/academicKing Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)
ThailandResearcher/academicChiang Mai University
ThailandResearcher/academicDepartment of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University
ThailandResearcher/academicChiang Mai University
ThailandResearcher/academicAsian Institute of Technology, Thailand
ThailandResearcher/academicFaculty of Public Health, Thammasat University, Thailand
ThailandResearcher/academicAsian Institute of Technology
VietnamResearcher/academicInstitute for Agricultural Environment, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
VietnamResearcher/academicHanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
VietnamResearcher/academicHanoi, Vietnam
VietnamResearcher/academicVietnam Clean Air Partnership (VCAP)
VietnamResearcher/academicFaculty of Environment, University of Science, VNUHCM Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

Appendix A.2. Survey Questions

With the support of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) is engaged in research on air pollution solutions in Asia and other regions. The project aims to more systematically assess the barriers to solutions to open burning. To identify those barriers and propose useful countermeasures, we are surveying policymakers, researchers, and representatives from the development community or civil society organizations with experience with open burning. We would be very grateful if you could spend approximately 10 min to answer the questions below in support of this research.
Which government agency(ies) are chiefly responsible for policies related to the open burning of agricultural residues in the country/ies where you work or have experience? (e.g., Please list both country/ies and agency/ies--> Thailand-Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
Answer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What types of existing or planned open burning projects (including research) have been or are being implemented in the country/ies where you work or have experience?
Answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Based on your personal experience, please assess the size of the barriers for “government officials” to implement anti-open burning measures in the country/ies where you work or have experience over the next one to two decades.
Not a barrier (no effect)Small (allowing burning to continue on up to 10% of relevant cropland)Moderate (allowing burning to continue on between 11% and 20% of relevant cropland)Significant (allowing burning to continue on more than 20% of relevant cropland)
Economic (e.g., high initial cost of control technologies, subsidies that promote burning, high cost of straw disposal, etc.)
Social (e.g., limited acceptance of a new technology, limited awareness, limited engagement, etc.)
Technological (e.g., poor design of control technologies, lack of local manufacturer, lack of repairs)
Institutional/policy (e.g., poor coordination among agencies and farmers, lack of capacity, lack of approved suppliers, etc.)
Based on your personal experience, please assess the size of the barriers for “government officials” to implement anti-open burning measures in the country/ies where you work or have experience over the next one to two decades.
Lack of access to technologies to support more sustainable agricultural practices (i.e., baling machines)
Lack of technologies for the government to monitor the status of burning
The high costs of technologies that would limit burning (i.e., baling machines)
The high costs/lost profits of switching to alternative crops or reducing field turnover
Limited awareness of the benefits of reducing burden (i.e., health benefits and increased crop yields)
Lack of promotional policies from the government (i.e., subsidies for technologies or switching to more sustainable crops)
Lack of capacity from the government to monitor burning
Lack of strong penalties for burning
In your view, what would be significant reasons or barriers for “the small-scale farmer or landowner” to continue burning over the next one to two decades?
Lack of access to technologies to support more sustainable agricultural practices (i.e., baling machines)
Lack of technologies for the government to monitor the status of burning
The high costs of technologies that would limit burning (i.e., baling machines)
The high costs/lost profits of switching to alternative crops or reducing field turnover
Limited awareness of the benefits of reducing burden (i.e., health benefits and increased crop yields)
Lack of promotional policies from the government (i.e., subsidies for technologies or switching to more sustainable crops)
Lack of capacity from the government to monitor burning
Lack of enforcement of strong penalties for burning
In the country/ies where you work or have experience, what policies, programs, and initiatives have helped to overcome the “significant” barriers you highlighted above? (both specific names of policies and more general approaches are welcome).
Answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Appendix A.3. Literature Review on Barriers

Size of Barriers
No Barrier/Insignificant Information Small Moderate Significant
[22] ThailandThis study estimates carbon content loss from the open burning of rice straw, arguing for alternative straw management practices in Thailand.
[60]GlobalThis report concentrates on the options/challenges to controlling open burning with a focus on the Himalayas (especially India), noting that the practice is related to cultural factors and a lack of awareness of soil properties.
[61]ThailandThis paper underlines that open burning poses a persistent problem for health despite policies meant to address it. It argues for a greater emphasis on partnership as a solution.
[3]ThailandThis study surveys the amount of rice paddy land that is subject to open burning and the levels of pollution from that burning. It also stresses the need for effective implementation of policies to limit burning.
[37]Southeast AsiaThis report reviews several good practices that can help control open burning, underlining the need for a well-designed, enabling environment to support implementation.
[62]India This study concentrates on challenges to controlling open burning in India, noting that the lack of institutional mechanisms to manage the crop residue poses a major constraint.

Appendix A.4. Equations Used to Calculate Size of Barriers and Delays

This part of Appendix A provides the equations used to calculate the size of barriers and accompanying delays.
Equation (A1) presents how the mean barrier score was generated for the four categories of barriers (technological, economic, social, and institutional) based on the expert survey.
x ¯ k , j = i = 1 n s ¯ k , j , i n
  • i : each expert survey response
  • j : type of barrier (i.e., technological, economic, social, or institutional barriers)
  • k : open burning controls
  • n : the total number of responses to the expert survey
  • x ¯ k , j : average magnitude of barrier type j for open burning controls k based on the expert survey, which x ¯ k , j 25 %
  • s ¯ k , j , i : the size of effects of barrier type j for open burning controls k from each expert survey response i , which s ¯ k , j , i 25 %
Equation (A2) presents how the barrier score was generated for the four categories of barriers (technological, economic, social, and institutional) based on the literature review.
x k , j = s k , j
  • x k , j : the magnitude of barrier type j for mitigation option k based on the literature review, which x k , j 25 %
  • s k , j : the size of effects of barrier type j for mitigation option k based on the literature review i , which s k , j , i 25 %
Equations (A3) and (A4) present how composite barrier score was generated for the four categories of barriers (technological, economic, social, and institutional) based on combining the survey and literature review.
b k , j = 0.7 × x ¯ k , j + 0.3 × x k , j
B k = j b k , j
  • b k , j : the magnitude of barrier type j for mitigation option k combined with the expert survey and the literature review, which b k , j 25 %
  • B k : the total magnitude of barriers to mitigation option k combined with the expert survey and the literature review, which B k 100 %
Equations (A5) and (A6) present how the delays for each barrier were calculated.
t k , j = T × b k , j
t k = j T × b k , j
  • b k , j : the magnitude of barrier type j for mitigation option k as a delay rate (reduced rate) in the speed of diffusion, which b k , j 25 %
  • T : the maximum delayed period (i.e., 15 years)
  • t k , j : the time delay for the diffusion of mitigation option k due to barrier type j
  • t k : the total time delayed for mitigation option k due to barriers, which t k 15 y e a r s


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Figure 1. The multiple impacts of open burning.
Figure 1. The multiple impacts of open burning.
Atmosphere 15 01309 g001
Figure 2. Estimated delays from barriers to open burning restrictions in Thailand.
Figure 2. Estimated delays from barriers to open burning restrictions in Thailand.
Atmosphere 15 01309 g002
Figure 3. Results of the scenario analysis in 2030 and 2040.
Figure 3. Results of the scenario analysis in 2030 and 2040.
Atmosphere 15 01309 g003
Figure 4. Costs of overcoming implementation barriers.
Figure 4. Costs of overcoming implementation barriers.
Atmosphere 15 01309 g004
Table 1. The effects of different crop residues on air pollution in different regions in Thailand [14].
Table 1. The effects of different crop residues on air pollution in different regions in Thailand [14].
CropRegional ConcentrationHarvested AreaPercentage Burnt
(Ten Thousand Tons/Year)
Sugar caneNortheast18,33647%9.49
Rice (in-season)Central87,02429%6.59
Rice (off-season)Central10,12857%1.51
Table 2. Defining and illustrating barriers.
Table 2. Defining and illustrating barriers.
Technological Refers to a lack of access to land clearing or other preventive/control technologies that would support their implementation. For example, there may be limited access to baling machines that could help prepare residue for resale or recycling. Access to these technologies would support the implementation of circular economy solutions that have been proposed on a trial basis in Thailand.
EconomicRefers to the high cost of land clearing or post-harvesting technologies or the costs imposed on farmers by having to curb open burning. For instance, the initial costs of purchasing mulching could be too high for farmers. There has been some discussion of subsidies in Thailand to bring down those costs.
InstitutionalRefers to a lack of coordination between and capacity within relevant agencies as well as limits on policies promoting open burning controls. For example, there may be few opportunities and incentives for the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to arrive at solutions. The lack of reference to open burning in climate policies, such as Thailand’s Nationally Determined Contribution, suggests that this may be the case.
SocialRefers to a lack of acceptance or limited awareness of the benefits of controls as well as awareness raising or stakeholder engagement mechanisms. For example, there may be limited knowledge of how much exposure to harmful emissions impairs health and labor productivity among farmers. The efforts to use commercials that highlight these impacts suggest that low awareness is a problem in Thailand.
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

MDPI and ACS Style

Akahoshi, K.; Zusman, E.; Hanaoka, T.; Kim Oanh, N.T.; Huy, L.N.; Wangwongwatana, S.; Homyok, P.; Malley, C.S.; Hirayama, T.; Goto, Y.; et al. The Prospects of Controlling Open Burning of Crop Residues in Thailand: A Quantitative Assessment of Implementation Barriers and Costs. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 1309.

AMA Style

Akahoshi K, Zusman E, Hanaoka T, Kim Oanh NT, Huy LN, Wangwongwatana S, Homyok P, Malley CS, Hirayama T, Goto Y, et al. The Prospects of Controlling Open Burning of Crop Residues in Thailand: A Quantitative Assessment of Implementation Barriers and Costs. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(11):1309.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Akahoshi, Kaoru, Eric Zusman, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Lai Nguyen Huy, Supat Wangwongwatana, Piyarattana Homyok, Christopher S. Malley, Tomoki Hirayama, Yurie Goto, and et al. 2024. "The Prospects of Controlling Open Burning of Crop Residues in Thailand: A Quantitative Assessment of Implementation Barriers and Costs" Atmosphere 15, no. 11: 1309.

APA Style

Akahoshi, K., Zusman, E., Hanaoka, T., Kim Oanh, N. T., Huy, L. N., Wangwongwatana, S., Homyok, P., Malley, C. S., Hirayama, T., Goto, Y., Kawashima, K., & Amann, M. (2024). The Prospects of Controlling Open Burning of Crop Residues in Thailand: A Quantitative Assessment of Implementation Barriers and Costs. Atmosphere, 15(11), 1309.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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