Immunotoxicity of Heavy Metals (Silver, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) on Marine Bivalve Mytilus edulis: In Vitro Exposure of Hemocytes †
Industrial revolutions and ecotoxicity: historical background
The St-Lawrence River Action Plan: trying to solve a whale of a problem! ...or integrating bioassays as an aid to decision-making
A few words on sediment assessment
Biomarker studies in Eastern Canada
Emerging substances: pharmaceuticals
Emerging substances: nanoparticles
Issues and needs confronting ecotoxicology today
General conclusions
Author Contributions
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Rault, P.; Fortier, M.; Pédelucq, J.; Lacaze, E.; Brousseau, P.; Auffret, M.; Fournier, M. Immunotoxicity of Heavy Metals (Silver, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) on Marine Bivalve Mytilus edulis: In Vitro Exposure of Hemocytes. J. Xenobiot. 2013, 3, e8.
Rault P, Fortier M, Pédelucq J, Lacaze E, Brousseau P, Auffret M, Fournier M. Immunotoxicity of Heavy Metals (Silver, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) on Marine Bivalve Mytilus edulis: In Vitro Exposure of Hemocytes. Journal of Xenobiotics. 2013; 3(s1):e8.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRault, P., M. Fortier, J. Pédelucq, E. Lacaze, P. Brousseau, M. Auffret, and M. Fournier. 2013. "Immunotoxicity of Heavy Metals (Silver, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) on Marine Bivalve Mytilus edulis: In Vitro Exposure of Hemocytes" Journal of Xenobiotics 3, no. s1: e8.
APA StyleRault, P., Fortier, M., Pédelucq, J., Lacaze, E., Brousseau, P., Auffret, M., & Fournier, M. (2013). Immunotoxicity of Heavy Metals (Silver, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) on Marine Bivalve Mytilus edulis: In Vitro Exposure of Hemocytes. Journal of Xenobiotics, 3(s1), e8.