Best PhD Thesis Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of Machines, it is my great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award. This award is for a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential.

The award has been granted to:

“Synchronous Reluctance Machine Optimization based on Reduced Set of Geometric Parameters with Improved Convergence and Robust Geometric Feasibility Verification” by Branko Ban, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The winner will receive CHF 500, a certificate and a chance to publish a paper free of charge after peer review in Machines in 2024.

On behalf of the evaluation committee, I congratulate the winner on his accomplishments. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the applicants for submitting their exceptional theses, and thank the Award Committee for voting and helping with this award.

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso
Editor-in-Chief, Machines

Machines 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award
Past Winners


Branko Ban
University of Zagreb, Faculty of electrical engineering and computing

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Chairman
CISE | University of Beira Interior (UBI)
Prof. Dr. Dan Zhang
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Ciro Santus
Prof. Dr. JiangBiao He
University of Kentucky


Alfredo Fantetti
Imperial College London

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Chairman
CISE | University of Beira Interior (UBI)
Dr. Davide Astolfi
University of Brescia
Prof. Dr. César M. A. Vasques
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal
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