
Journal Browser

Journal Browser


24–25 January 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
V International Seminar Tourism and Spatial Planning Centre for Geographical Studies

This conference intends to meet and discuss new research ideas on the tourism impacts in the Global South, focusing namely on the construction and transformation of landscapes through tourism, on issues of identity friction and cultural change, and on the responsibility of tourism on poverty reduction and sustainable development. A proper analysis of tourism impacts always needs an interdisciplinary approach. Geography can conduct a stimulating job since it relates culture and nature, society and environment, space, economy and politics, but a single discipline cannot push our understanding very far without intersecting it with other realms of knowledge. So, this is a conference that aims at a multidisciplinary debate, which may include people with a range of different backgrounds such as Geography, History, Anthropology, Literary Studies, Sociology, Economics, Spatial Planning, Political Science, and Urbanism.!

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