
8–9 May 2015, Augsburg, Germany
International Lyme Disease Conference

Conference Description and Goals

  • To learn a historical perspective on scientific progress in Lyme and other tick borne diseases.
  • To learn the current state and options for testing, diagnosis and treatment protocols.
  • To learn current thinking on the pathophysiological mechanisms behind chronic diseases that may be relevant to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
  • To learn current thinking on the pathophysiological mechanisms behind chronic diseases that may be relevant to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
  • To learn about less recognized manifestations of Lyme disease, including pediatric, neurologic and neuropsychiatric presentations.
  • To learn to share knowledge between researchers, tick-borne disease medical experts, and front-line practitioners, and foster the development of networks for continued learning.

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